Winterizing your home is something you know you have to do but generally wait to the last minute to get done. Don’t let the thought of checking tasks off your winterizing list get you down. Here at Tennessee Thermal, we’re here to help! We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips to get you through the winterizing process swiftly and with very little expense.

Block the Cold

A significant amount of energy is lost through cracks and other openings in your home.  Caulking around windows and even using foam outlet protectors can keep the cold out and the warm in.  Also, double check that you also have proper insulation in your attic. The majority of the heat that you lose is rising and going right out the top of your home. Blocking the cold out your home isn’t as hard as you would think.


If you take the time to install weather-stripping around doors and windows you can significantly improve your energy bill. Purchase a weather-stripping kit for as little as $10, (prices vary) and you’ll see the reflection of your investment in your monthly utility billing statement.

Programmable thermostat

Being able to program your thermostat can save you money by NOT running your heating system when you DON’T need it.  You can program for different temperatures to take effect when you need them too. On the cheaper end, programmable thermostats run around $35 making this a very financially feasible upgrade to your home.

Protect your Pipes

Pipes in the southern regions of the United States aren’t generally protected in insulated spaces. Pipes that run through exterior walls, uninsulated attics, and crawlspaces can freeze easily. Repairing a busted pipe problem is the last thing you want to do this winter, so make sure that your pipes are well insulated and don’t forget to leave your water dripping just a bit when temperatures are expected to drop below freezing!

Here at Tennessee Thermal, we know how cold it can get in the winter and know you need to prepare! If you’ve noticed that you're still feeling drafts after you go through your winterization checklist, it might be time to install new windows. We have 20 years of experience and we strive to bring high-quality products at a fair price with expert installation. Let us be the one to help you get through this winter properly. Call 1-855-715-2210 for Tennessee Thermal Windows today!